What is the difference between a registered psychotherapist, social worker, and psychologist?

This is the most frequently asked we receive when people contact our clinic. It can be very confusing to find the best therapist for you, but we hope to clarify this question. Feel free to reach out and we are happy to answer any of your questions to make sure you find a therapist who is right for you and your particular concerns.

First off, “psychotherapy” refers to treatment delivered through a therapeutic relationship (usually talk therapy), and in Ontario, it can only be provided by someone licensed to do so. The professionals who are legally allowed to provided psychotherapy in Ontario include:

  • Psychologists

  • Psychiatrists

  • Family Physicians

  • Nurse Practitioners

  • Social Workers

  • Registered Psychotherapists (Note that some people find this confusing: Registered psychotherapists belong to the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, but the other providers in this list can also call themselves psychotherapists).

  • Occupational Therapists

You can view some key differences among these groups of practitioners HERE.

At our clinic, we have registered psychologists, registered social workers, and registered psychotherapists providing psychotherapy. Some insurance companies will only provide coverage for psychotherapy provided from certain types of providers. We always recommend checking your individual extended health benefits plan so you know what your insurance provider will cover. Another difference to note is that psychologists can provide a mental health diagnosis, while social workers and registered psychotherapists cannot.

If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


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